Sunday, May 24, 2009

Adjusting to Two
Here we are, about ten days into the parenting life of two kids. Surprisingly, it has gone quite smoothly. As Trish and I look back on Carson's first month of life, we realize that his hospital stay coupled with our first time parent anxiety did not allow us to really relax and enjoy the initial days of parenting. This time around, we are much more relaxed and having a blast. That is not to say it's all easy, Trish still has many late night feedings to care for and we are both constantly busy with one of the two, but it is easier this time around. The beautiful weather has helped too. We are in the midst of seventy degree weather with no real end in sight, if you believe the weather people.

Annalea is now above her birth weight, which is a great thing. She weighed in at 8 lbs 8 oz on Friday and measured 21 inches long. The weight percentile was just below 50% and the length was around 70%, but none of these numbers mean much at the moment. Her belly button is legit now, no more umbilical cord scab. She has gotten into a pattern where she likes to be held all the time and if you put her down she will wake up within ten minutes. However, she appears to sleep fine if you put her down in her car seat, we'll see if that continues. Carson continues to adore his sister. I am trying to work on him that her name is Annalea and not 'baby sister', since we called her baby sister all those months of pregnancy, he still calls her that. He knows her name, but just does not use it much. By the pics, you can also see that the alert moments are more frequent. There are more pics in the flickr account, enjoy.

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