Saturday, November 08, 2008

Many Changes
Well, it's been a while since I posted an update on our lives and it's for good reason. We just completed a move from our home of five years into a new place a few miles away. The move was quick, probably four weeks from the offer on our townhome to closing on our new place. We never thought that the townhome would sell given the current state of the economy, but it did and we landed in a great spot. We have managed to still entertain the youngster over the past month or so as the pictures will show.
We traveled down to the Puyallup Fair in early September, it was a terrible drive down with traffic that causes one to contemplate making a run for it, but we enjoyed the fair, especially the animal farm.
Ah yes, the second birthday. Lets just say that after his birthday, he has developed a serious love for cupcakes. He also now thinks that anytime "Happy Birthday" is sung that it must be for him.
The weekend before we moved, Wayne visited us and we made out way to the pumpkin patch across the street.
There was only one costume that made sense for Carson and that was of course the monkey suit. He has his 'ooh-ooh aah-aah' sound down just right.

Since we moved, the greatest change for Carson has been his transition to the big boy bed. The crib is no more, well it sits as a relic in his room, but he is in a twin bed now. Carson's new bed offers him freedom that he has never known during his crib life. Carson has taken it upon himself to schedule visiting hours with his parents as he sees fit. For example, two nights last week Carson crawled down from his bed, walked across the hall, crawled into our bed, and perched himself on top of Trish. She awoke with a great deal of concern that there was a two year old staring her down at 3AM, but scooped him up and returned him to his new room. Besides Carson adjusting to his new sleep routine, we are settling in to our new abode. Many thatnks to all those who helped us move, especially John and Kris for pitching in on the Sunday that I rooted the Eagles on to victory over the Seahawks.

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