Wednesday, December 12, 2007


We're Still Here....

This must be the longest break between any of my blog entries, so if you utilize the blog for proof of our continued existence, I apologize.....we are still here!! I will admit this though, the whole juggling two working parents and a 14 month old turns out to be quite the task. Last year, Trish returned to work with about four and a half months to go in the school year and we just focused on the light at the end of the tunnel with the impending summer vacation. However this year, there is no such least not yet. So Trish and I are figuring it out day by day and making it work. We do thank the family and friends that have been able to pitch in and help us get by during the past few months.

Well enough of that! Carson is changing with every passing day. I don't really know where to start with that sweet little guy. He has started to sprout back up again and now finds himself back at the 75th percentile in height and 90th percentile in weight, so he is still a good sized kid. In fact our doctor rubbed his belly last week and told him that he could eat a little less, but it's not anything of real issue. Speaking of the doctor, we have visited him a good bit recently between Carson's bouts with bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and various rashes. None of his medical issues have been a serious concern, but have caused us to be quite flexible. Carson moved up a room at the daycare about two weeks ago. He moved from the pink to the orange room, which is reserved for kids between 12 and 18 months. His transition has gone quite well with the only bump in the road being the adjustment to living a one nap a day lifestyle. Other than that, he was clearly ready for the change of scenery. We really knew that he needed to leave the infant room when he started sitting on the babies that could not move ..not a good thing. Carson moves about our home at warp speed. If he is not eating or sleeping, he is moving. However, he has now mastered the art of sitting in his little green frog chair, just not for that long a period of time. Watching him sit down in the chair is similar to watching an eighteen wheeler back its rig to a loading dock, he just has blind faith that as he backs up the chair will magically be there. One day he will learn that it helps to turn your head around before you sit down. He waves hi and bye to just about anyone, anytime and even seems to be suggesting that you leave from time to time. In the next month or so, Carson will master taking a stair step with his feet instead of crawling up them (he is trying this now), continue to practice scribbling away, and refine the use of his eating utensils (check out the video below to see his early attempts).

Anyway, that's a snapshot into our world these days. Will try and post again soon!

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