Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Walking Machine

Over the past three weeks, Carson's walking skills have improved dramatically. Take a peak at his latest jaunt. At the same time that his walking skills have progressed, his ability to drop and hide food that is not to his liking has also rapidly grown. Carson showed off these two skills and his new vocabulary (ball in the sound of 'bah' and dog in the sound of 'duh') to his fans over in Spokane this past weekend. We had a nice visit with the entire Spokane crew and even got to witness the most historic moment in West Valley High Girls Soccer history with a shootout win that propelled them to the final four here in the state tourney. Carson's Aunt Kassie made a clutch shot that preceded the ultimate winning goal. Congrats to her and good luck this weekend!

What an amazing cutie. I know you will make fun of me but a bit teary from the cuteness.

love the commentary as well!
I can't wait to chase him around our house!
Love, Sittie
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